/* Source for Uncle Thom's Cabin By Thom Buhler Stolen, ahem, borrowed from ahhxuann at http://ahhxuann-.blogspot.com And then modified by Thom himself ------------------------------------------ */ uncle thom's cabin

welcome to uncle thom's cabin.
version 1.1.7 as of 10:33 AM 8/20/2009 (MST)
best viewed in mozilla firefox
and 800x600 (SVGA) resolution.

posted (12.08.2008) at [3:10 PM]
another test

sorry dears. just trying to get this whole template ironed out. it looks and feels totally freaking old school but is a little clunky in the code. fixed the comments, you're welcome, you may have some trouble IE7 users. archives i don't know if they are broken.

anyways. love you all.

love your uncle thom