/* Source for Uncle Thom's Cabin By Thom Buhler Stolen, ahem, borrowed from ahhxuann at http://ahhxuann-.blogspot.com And then modified by Thom himself ------------------------------------------ */ uncle thom's cabin

welcome to uncle thom's cabin.
version 1.1.7 as of 10:33 AM 8/20/2009 (MST)
best viewed in mozilla firefox
and 800x600 (SVGA) resolution.

posted (7.22.2009) at [2:22 PM]
long time no post

my manager at my undisclosed place of work, is a prick.

while he was essentially chewing me out for not living up to his ultimate expectations of his vision/dream of the workplace, he broke two health code rules.

count 'em, TWO.

needless to say, i wasn't going to call him out right then and there for scratching his nose or answering his phone, because it's simply not my place to cite people for health code violations, let alone in the workplace, let alone while my manager is giving me a brief lecture on the seemingly-basic principles of offering toppings to a customer.

what could have easily been a several-minute encounter actually provided me with a whole 15 minute break of where I could mind-numbingly nod my head and say yes in all the right places, smirking to myself as i realized that what i was about to do could be delayed further and given me more time to myself to contemplate methods of mutiny.

don't get me wrong, my place of work is very exciting, and very entertaining, but these kinds of things can't be bottled up inside for very long, at least comically.

love your uncle thom